Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Baby is HERE!!

Emily Catherine Nuss was born Friday at 4:23 PM!! Below are a few pictures...

Here's a quick time line of how the delivery went:
9:00AM Checked-in and in the labor/delivery room
10:15AM OB broke my water, 3cm dilated (same as at 38 week doc appt) Pitocin started too
12:45PM only 4 1/2 cm dilated
1:30PM Epidural (YAY!!)
3:30PM 9 cm dialted! Baby facing my right side and still a little high.
4:05PM 10 cm dilated - laying on my side trying to get baby to rotate to correct position
4:15 started pushing
4:23 Emily arrives, face up!

More to come!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

38 weeks, Computer Games

I was 38 weeks on Friday! I'll be induced this coming Friday unless this baby decides to come on her own before then... Here's my 38 week belly pic...
Ivy has learned to use the mouse with our laptop. She can hold her little hand on it, move it around, click it to move things. It probably isn't a big deal, but I just think that's amazing for a 2.5 year old! Of course, families didn't have computers in their homes when I was this age. And now to think that at 2.5, Ivy is playing Sesame Street games on a computer the size of a notebook! Crazy!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby Update

Before I give the baby update, I have to mention preschool today... Today was the first day that instead of walking Ivy to her class, the teacher came to get Ivy from my van. I quickly reminded Ivy that Grandmama was picking her up, making sure the teacher heard me. I told the teacher that it was because I had a baby appointment. She said, "Good luck!" and Ivy turned to me, said "Good luck Mommy!" and blew me a kiss good-bye. She took the teacher's hand and never looked back. I was a little sad. I had a moment of "She doesn't need me!!" but then I realized that I've just done my job as a parent - I've encouraged her independence. She is really loving preschool and I'm so thankful for that.

Okay, Baby Update...
I had my ultrasound first. The ultrasound tech said, "It looks like you'd better be ready to deliver another big baby!" After the measurements she took (head, abdomen, thigh bone) the baby is measuring 9 pounds, 1 ounce.

Next came my regular weekly appointment with the OB. As she walked in she said "Looks like another big baby!" So she said she'd like to check my cervix and see where I am there and then discuss some options. She checked my cervix and I am 3 cm dilated! I was 1.5 last week so I've made some progress! I know 3 cm isn't much and I could stay like that for weeks but I figure that's 3 less I have to dilate on delivery day! Any progress is good at this point. So the doctor suggested that we go ahead and schedule an induction for Friday, September 24th. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I'll go into labor on my own before then, but at least I have an end in sight!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ivy has reached the "Why?" phase. I heard it coming a couple of days ago. It was late in the day, just before bed, I noticed she asked me "Why?" a couple of times. Then yesterday I was asked "Why" more often. And then today, it was asked after EVERYTHING! I wonder what tomorrow brings??

Well, I do know some of what tomorrow brings... It's "Wear Yellow" day at preschool tomorrow. I already set out Ivy's yellow shirt so I wouldn't forget! And I have a Baby appointment. I'm having an ultrasound to get an estimate of how big Baby Sister is. And then I meet with the doctor afterwards to discuss the ultrasound and then do the usual stuff like listen to the baby's heartbeat. My Mom is picking up Ivy from preschool so after my appointment, I'm going to run to the local outlet mall - there is a big kids consignment sale going on there so I want to check that out and see if there is anything I just can't live without! It'll be so much easier to go without a toddler! And to end the day, our church is having a fund-raising night at Chick-fil-a.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2 and a half and Preschool!

Today was a big day in Ivy's life... She turned 2.5 (which is just crazy to me!!) and she had her first real day of preschool!

But let me just say, taking pictures of her these days is really hard! She says "Cheeeeeeeeeese!" or won't look at the camera or looks at the camera and makes a weird face.

Here's Ivy by the front door as we were leaving for preschool this morning.

I took her outside to run around this evening (a.k.a. burning off energy before getting ready for bed) and tried to take some pictures...they didn't turn out well...
My camera seems to be having some issues - it keeps taking semi-blurry pictures no matter what setting I have it on. I might have to run it by the camera store and see what they think. Maybe it just needs to be cleaned (it has been to the beach a few times) but I can't risk blurry pictures when it comes time for Baby Sister to get here!! :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

36 Weeks and Drums

Here's the 36 week belly picture...

I had my OB appointment this week - they did the Group B Strep test. I tested positive for it when I was pregnant with Ivy. It's not a big deal, just a bacteria that I have and isn't an issue for me but could be to a baby with no immune system. I asked if there was a chance that I would get a negative test result this time and I was told the chance was slim. And really, even if I didn't test positive, they'd probably give me the antibiotics before delivery anyway...just to be on the safe side. So not really sure why I needed the test but I guess it's just what they do.

DRUMS!! Richard was given this drum set by a co-worker. Ivy loves drums and she was so excited to get these. We have some rules about the drums: We keep the drums covered with a sheet when they aren't being played. She isn't allowed to uncover the drums. She isn't allowed to play the drums unless Mommy or Daddy are there. Since the drums are in her room, hopefully those rules will keep her from getting up at 2AM and playing them.

She knows the name of the drums. She says, "High Hat. Snare. Crash. Rack Tom. Floor Tom. And bass." I'm impressed that a little girl that is 2.5 knows the names of her drums.
