Tuesday, May 25, 2010

swim lessons, ultrasound pics, a festival...

Ivy has started swim lessons. We are just doing it a couple of times per week and as long as she likes them, we'll do them all summer long. She doesn't last long so her lessons are only about 20 minutes long. She just can't concentrate on the structured swim time for much longer than that.

Here is Ivy reaching for a ball. This helps get her arms moving up and over her head...
And here she is practicing her kicking...

I don't think I've posted about this yet! Here are some pictures of our little GIRL!!!
This first one is a 3-D picture. At this age (19 weeks, 3 days) she still looks a little alien like. You can see her face and then she has her arm (L-shaped) up in front of her face - her hand is up by her forehead...
Here's a regular ultrasound picture. If you don't know what you are looking at it's hard to see...
The smaller oval on the left is her head (you can see an eye socket too) and then her body is down and to the right of her head...
And this one is pretty obvious...one of her feet!
I wish I knew how to put labels on my pictures....

We spent last Saturday at the "Gotta' Be NC" Festival at the fair grounds. It was very similar to the State Fair, just on a smaller scale. Ivy had a great time. We went with our friends Ken and Jess and their two kids, Corbin and Alyssa.

1 comment:

The Beams said...

Yeah for the ultraound pics! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer already!