Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How does our garden grow...

First off, can anyone tell me why I don't have any birds at my bird feeder?? 
(That is our cat Barney,  he LOVES to lay under the bird feeders!)

Now onto the garden stuff...

Our first tomato!  It fell off when I touched it to see if it was ripe...I think it could have used one more day...  I don't really like tomatoes, so I can't say that it tasted "good" but it wasn't horrible!
We'll have a few more cherry tomatoes that will be ready in the next day or two...
WATERMELONS!!  I have two watermelons!  I hope more will grow!

More tomatoes - these are pictures of our big tomatoes.  They won't be ready for a while... We have a lot more than I took pictures of...

1 comment:

The Beams said...

Wow, your garden looks great!! I LOVE tomatoes, I'd gladly eat them. And the cat picture is too funny!

Glad to know Ivy is nice and healthy! Yep, shots are no fun.
