Thursday, June 4, 2009

Corn and Carnivores...

We had corn on the cob with dinner last night...I cut off part of one of the cobs and let Ivy work on it.  She did a great job and had it cleaned off in no time!!

We met a group of moms and kids at Carnivore Preservation Trust in Pittsboro, NC.  I have been several times, and we took Ivy back in October.  Ivy was able to see more and notice more things this time.  We saw lots of carnivores, but of course the tigers are always a big hit!

Waiting to see the animals...
A Kinkajou named Wednesday...

Ivy looking at Romeo...Here is his story: 
Romeo's previous owner, who lived in Durham, purchased him from a pet store owner in Wake Forest. The owner was then charged with animal cruelty by the Wake County SPCA when he took Romeo to a vet to be declawed and defanged. The owner was not able to prove Romeo was born in the United States and it is against the endangered species act to import tigers into the United States. Romeo was placed at CPT by the USDA. 

Please visit the Carnivore Preservation Trust website:

It really is an AMAZING place!! 

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