Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A busy start to June...

 Ivy has become very interested in the potty.  When I tell her that I am going to go potty, she now runs over to the bathroom door.  She watches everything I do.  So, I decided to buy her a potty to keep in the half-bath downstairs.  That way, when I go "potty" she can sit on her potty.  She loves her new potty - she even asks for toilet paper!!  She says, "pih" and points to the toilet paper...  I only give her one square - she just sticks it down in her little potty then pulls it out again.  We'll have to work on that!  :)

Ivy and her new potty.

One of the cats has lost some weight.  Her name is Sharky - she is our smallest cat with her normal weight being right at 7 pounds.  We took her to the vet on Tuesday and she was down to 5 pounds, 14 ounces.  We had blood work done and the results came back showing that she is perfectly healthy!  So the vet wants us to feed her some wet food to up her calorie intake.  Hopefully that will work.  But I sure do wish I hadn't had to spend $170 to find out that I need to feed her some wet food!

Ivy carrying the cat carrier
(disclaimer: no cats were in the carrier while Ivy played with it!)

We went to the mall today and met some friends to play.  Allyson is only 4 days older than Ivy (but Ivy is of course bigger!).  Southpoint Mall has a little kids play area.  The things they have to climb on are covered in this soft rubbery stuff so kids can climb all over it and really don't fall off because they sort of "stick" to it.  Ivy had a great time - she was worn out!

Ivy playing with her friend Allyson

A nice safe place for Ivy to climb!

And while we were at the mall, someone hit the back corner of my van!!  Luckily it was a nice, honest person - he left a note with his contact information.  I got in touch with him and he said to have an estimate done and let him know and he would take care of it.  I was able to get in and get an estimate today ($550) so hopefully we'll get this taken care of pretty quickly.  I've only had this van a couple of months - we bought it used, but it is still new to me!  I hate that I have an ugly ding already!!  I LOVE MY VAN!!!

1 comment:

The Beams said...

Oh my goodness, the potty thing CRACKS me up!! Addison just likes to pull the toilet paper (ALL of it if I'd let her) off the holder!
