Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quick update...

Just a few pictures of Emily... She is just over a week old - I can't believe how fast the time has flown by.
In her swing.

In the bassinet.

I've been a little worried about her weight - the pediatrician isn't concerned but I am. So I bought a scale at the local consignment store so we can track how much milk she is taking in.
FYI...She was 9 lbs, 9 oz. at birth. Was down to 8.14 when we left the hospital and was 8.11 at the pediatrician at 4 days old. In this picture she was up to 8.13 so hopefully we're on the right track.

Trying to hold up her head.

A little old lady...

Asleep on the boppy pillow.


Pam said...

She is soooo beautiful! Thanks for sharing..I will be checking her out often. Brings a smile to my face :)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. Thank-you for getting these pictures out to us so quicly.