Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Emily celebrated her FIRST BIRTHDAY!! It's been over a week now and I still can't believe she's one. No one warned me how fast time flies with the second child...

Some things about Emily:
She is a sweet and happy baby!
She isn't walking yet.
She has LOTS to say. Some words that she says and can be understood by most people are:
Hi, ball, cow, moo, quack, Mama, Dada, No, okay, good
She tries to say Ivy but it comes out "I-ya". So cute.
She went to her 1-year well baby check and she is in the 95th % for height and weight.

Here's Emily on the morning of her birthday

Her presents!! (Thank you everyone!)

Ivy and Grayce dressed up for the festivities.

Emily wasn't too sure about the cake to begin with...
But she figured it out pretty quickly!


Kaitlyn and Emily playing together

Winston, Emily and Kaitlyn looking out the front door

Playing with some of her birthday toys

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