Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ivy's party and Emily is 6 months old!!!

Richard and his girls...

Ivy had her birthday party this past weekend. We ended up with about 15 kids. Some were preschool friends, some were church friends (some both), and some were friends of the family. I think all the kids had a great time. And by the end, all the kids were tired and ready to head home.

Emily is 6 months old today!!
These past 6 months have FLOWN by!
She is pretty much sitting up by herself. I definitely put a pillow behind her just in case she leans back too far. She rolls all around. She is excellent at falling asleep on her own. I just put her in her crib and she's asleep within a few minutes. She loves oatmeal cereal. I've tried some various baby foods but cereal is her favorite (which is funny because Ivy hated cereal and wouldn't eat it at all!). We go for her 6 month check-up on Monday - I'll have her height and weight and percentages then...

Ivy wanted to dress up to play outside while I took a few pictures of Emily. Here's one of her running around...she is SUCH A GIRL!!
(please excuse the long grass/onions - we haven't mowed yet)

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