Tuesday, July 14, 2009

.Just a normal week...

Things are just business as usual around here.

Here are some pictures from the past week...

This frog was in our trash can - I almost put another bag of trash right on top of him! Luckily I saw him and got him out before he was squashed!

We went for a ride in our Blazer. It has a soft top so we rolled up the sides and went for a spin. We drove to Chick-fil-a and got a milkshake (they have peach ones for summer). I got a large, knowing I'd have to share with Ivy. I'm not sure I even got half! She LOVED that milkshake!

My mom got a new kitten. His name is Zachary. He is so cute and so full of energy.

We met some friends at the park. Here is Ivy playing with her good friend Corbin. He is 3 months older than Ivy.
Ivy getting ready to go down the slide...

So Ivy loves bags. It can be a brown paper grocery bag, it can be a reusable shopping bag, even a toy purse. She loves to carry one around with her. So I found this small Coach purse that I bought years ago (before having a child, when we could afford such luxuries!). It is small and just happened to match her outfit that day. She carried that thing everywhere!

And last but not least, Richard celebrated his 34th birthday on Sunday. We had his parents, his brother, and my parents over for dinner. His mom made her delicious cheesecake, thanks Pat! Here is Richard and Ivy checking out the cake and candles.

1 comment:

The Beams said...

Isn't the bag/purse thing funny about girls? Addie is the same way! It looks like Ivy is clapping for the new kitten-so cute! Love the picture of her before going down the slide.
