Tuesday, June 9, 2009

There's a Grumpus Among Us...

Ivy had her 15 month check-up today...  She had to get two shots.  I have put off her 12 months shots, but after talking to the pediatrician, we decided that since we are going more places that other kids play, that it would be a good idea to go ahead and get a couple of the shots that cover the most risky things.  So now, we'll wait until her 18 month check-up to get any more shots.  But for some reason, after every shot, Ivy gets grumpy and tired.  She took a three hour nap today and still went to bed at her usual 8:00!

Ivy snuggling with her blankie after fussing because I wanted to take her picture.

Ivy on the floor - she's fussing in this picture - not even sure why - just because she can, I guess!
I almost forgot...Here is what Ivy "measured" today...
Weight: 26 pounds, 8 ounces (90th %)
Height: 32 3/4" (97th%)

She's a BIG girl!!  The pediatrician said she looks great and to keep doing what we are doing! 

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