Thursday, June 18, 2009

A fun week...

We've had a great week this mom is finally "officially" retired. She had retired once before, but went back 6 months later. She is now done with teaching and ready to spend lots of time with Ivy - and I'll tag along most of the time!

Ivy got a new stroller and baby to push around. As you can see, she LOVES it!

The baby also has a carrier - Ivy wasn't so sure about that.

My cherry tomatoes from the 12th of June.

We've had some pretty rainy days lately. Ivy was so sad that she couldn't go out and play in her pool, so I filled up the bathtub in my bathroom. That worked out great! Ivy LOVES to look at herself in anything shiney...Here she is looking at herself in the overflow thing...too funny!!!

Ivy playing the the "swimming pool"

Eating squash casserole - she liked it but liked playing with it even more!

So, I'm wanting to try to change from using disposable diapers. I just hate that I throw away a huge bag full of diapers once a week. I hate to think of all those diapers in the landfill and them taking 500 years to decompose. I'm going to try this "hybrid" system called the gdiaper. It is a clother diaper with a disposable liner that goes inside - the better thing about this is that the disposable liner is plastic free so it is biodigradable - in like 50-150 days. I can even compost the wet-only ones. And they are flushable, but I can't do that at home because we have a septic system. So we'll see how it goes.

And finally, my garden pickings from this evening... a tiny zucchini, an okra, and two cherry tomatoes.

1 comment:

The Beams said...

So, your mom really isn't going back to teaching next year?? How great! You gals will have a blast!

I love all the pictures. The veggies look so yummy. Can't wait to see you soon. And, I think Addison and Ivy may fight over that stroller and baby doll!! :)
