It's been a busy month...
First was a Mother's Day "brunch" at Ivy's school. All the mothers were invited to have muffins and juice. We also go to go to music. Here's a picture of Ivy during the brunch.
Next came my birthday. I turned the BIG 3-0!!! Richard's parents were so sweet to come and watch the girls so we could have a much needed lunch date. We went to Carrabba's and then we wandered around the Apex Peakfest (a local street festival with local arts and crafts). It was a great birthday! Here I am with my cake. Richard's mom, Pat, made the cake and then she let Ivy decorate it while we were out to lunch.
My birthday was followed by Mother's Day. Here are the girls sitting in a box after helping me open my gift.
The day after Mother's Day, Craig and Marilyn came over and brought Winston. It was so fun to see him and Emily together. If Emily doesn't crawl soon Winston might beat her to it!!
Ivy LOVES her sister. And Emily loves her right back. She never fusses no matter how rough Ivy is with her...
Emily started clapping...
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