Thursday came and we headed back to the doctor for a recheck. Sure enough that innocent fluid in her ears turned into a double ear infection. And the wheezing was better but still there. Her oxygen level was checked and it was 99 but she had just had a breathing treatment 2 hours earlier so that is probably why. We were sent home with our own machine this time to keep. The pediatrician said that since Emily had RSV and this was her second wheezing episode that it may be something she will have happen again so we might as well have our own machine at home. So we have been doing breathing treatments 4 times a day. We'll go down to 3 times a day for a couple of days, then down to 2 times a day, and then once a day (probably before bed) and hopefully the wheezing will be gone as well as the congestion.
Overall Emily has been a champ through all of this. She does really well with the breathing treatments. She has to wear a little mask that is made to look like a dinosaur (picture coming soon). She sits still and seems okay until about the last 2-3 minutes. By then she's ready to get that mask off and get back to playing. She has still been sleeping well. She still falls asleep on her own for naps and bedtime. As usual, I can just lay her in her crib and she falls asleep by herself. I can't ask for much more than that!
Oh and to update on her eyes - she had her eyes checked in the middle of all this. Her eyes are fine. And the doctor doesn't feel or see anything wrong with her neck muscles or structure. So at this point we are going to leave the head tilt thing alone. We'll reassess when we go back for her 9 month appointment.
That's all for now. Sorry no pictures. Next time!! :)
1 comment:
Thanks for the update!! Hugs from Canada!!
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