I had a doctors appointment today. I go every 2 weeks now. I first met with the OB and she measured my belly first - I'm measuring "a bit ahead" as she put it and then she said that should be expected with my past history of having a big baby. She said they'd keep track of things over then next few appointments and then probably do an ultrasound about 36 weeks to check the baby's size. She also listened to the baby's heartbeat, it was in the 140s.
After meeting with the OB, I had my 3D ultrasound. This was an ultrasound that I set up and paid for myself. It's just something fun the OB's office offers. Below are all the pictures that were taken during the ultrasound. Some of them turned out really good. Most of them are of her face, sort of a profile view, but she didn't move around very much during the ultrasound...
Front view of her face.

Hand up to her face

She made this "sour" face several times...very cute!

Great view of her hand!

Another sour face!

At the top of the picture is the bottom of her foot...

Hand over her face...

Not sure if she's got her thumb in her mouth, but if so, she didn't leave it in there long.

Her mouth is open...

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