Here is Ivy with her pink flowers - it is all I can do to keep her from picking them.
We took Ivy strawberry picking. We only went for about 15 minutes one evening when Richard got home from work. I picked a whole basket full and Ivy picked quite a few herself!
Here is Ivy's new room before I got any furniture in it. It was white before but is now a light purple... The door on the left in that little hallway is the closet door and the door you can only see a little bit of is the door to the bathroom...
Ivy trying out her new bed...
And here's how it looks now....
We've still got quite a bit to do to it but Ivy is now sleeping in the room. We've added the guard rail to the bed so she can't fall out. I've still got to do something to the curtains so they can be tied back - the dresser is ready we just haven't moved it in yet. I also have a bookcase that I hope to put in there. And of course we still need to put some things on the wall. I'm waiting until my ultrasound on May 10th. If we are having a boy, we'll move some of the decorations from Ivy's nursery - they were made by my Mom. If we find out we're having a girl we'll leave the nursery the same and figure out something new to do in Ivy's room. So for now, that's it!
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