It was a BEAUTIFUL day today! It must have been 70 degrees today and we enjoyed as much of it as we could. We went over to Grandmama's house for breakfast and a little outdoor time. Then ran a quick errand to the post office, then back home for more outside time. After lunch and a nap, we went back outside to play with a brand new box of sidewalk chalk.
Ivy coloring...
Hmmm....which color do I pick next?
Grandmama came over to see all the fun and she taught Ivy about being outlined...
That was so fun, she had to outline Daddy!
Ivy was so sad to come inside tonight but the sun was going down and it was past dinner time. Then all of a sudden she saw a mosquito! I can't believe they are out already! Since Ivy isn't a huge fan of bugs, she was a little more willing to go inside. I'm sure tomorrow will be another fun day. It's supposed to be warm again!
Mosquitos?!?! Nooooooooo!
Yes, Heather! Mosquitoes!! Now I will say that we have a pond in our front yard but I didn't think that was a real breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially this early. But I'm sure it was mosquitoes because one got me on my back!! And it itches this morning...
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