Saturday, January 30, 2010


It started snowing here last night - within an hour we had an inch or so of snow...

Here is Ivy's picnic table on our back porch about an hour after the snow started...
We went out this morning before breakfast but it was sleeting. The sleet kept blowing in Ivy's face so she we headed back inside after about 5 minutes.

And here we are outside after Ivy's nap - a much better experience! The wind was blowing and it was SO COLD but Ivy wanted to stay outside.
Trying to throw a snowball...

Our house in the snow...
The pond between my house and my parent's house...
Our snow-covered back yard...
Sledding with Daddy...

All of our cats on our bed...
L-R: Sharky (grey w/stripes), Malcom (black), Charlie (tabby), and Barney (solid grey).
Barney is our indoor/outdoor cat. He has been trapped inside all day today. He keeps going to the front door and meowing to go out. I open the door just enough for him to fit through and he sticks his head out and then backs back in the house. He's not happy about being inside, but at least he's warm.

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