Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day - Part II...

We ended our day yesterday with a little snow cream...

Here are pictures from some of our time in the snow today...

A view of our street...
Grandpaw pulling Ivy around on the snow shovel...
Looking up our driveway...

PACIFIER UPDATE: Ivy is completely paci free!! I had one paci still out on her book case. It was one that I had cut the end off of and it was "broken". She actually threw it in the trashcan this morning. So that is it. I really thought that was going to much harder than it was. Now we'll move on to more "Big Girl" things like potty training!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


It started snowing here last night - within an hour we had an inch or so of snow...

Here is Ivy's picnic table on our back porch about an hour after the snow started...
We went out this morning before breakfast but it was sleeting. The sleet kept blowing in Ivy's face so she we headed back inside after about 5 minutes.

And here we are outside after Ivy's nap - a much better experience! The wind was blowing and it was SO COLD but Ivy wanted to stay outside.
Trying to throw a snowball...

Our house in the snow...
The pond between my house and my parent's house...
Our snow-covered back yard...
Sledding with Daddy...

All of our cats on our bed...
L-R: Sharky (grey w/stripes), Malcom (black), Charlie (tabby), and Barney (solid grey).
Barney is our indoor/outdoor cat. He has been trapped inside all day today. He keeps going to the front door and meowing to go out. I open the door just enough for him to fit through and he sticks his head out and then backs back in the house. He's not happy about being inside, but at least he's warm.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Night Two Success...

Well, after fighting it for a while, we did it. We took the plunge and decided to start trying to "wean" Ivy of her pacifier (paci as we call it). Months ago, we had decided to only let her have it during sleep times - that was a good idea as her vocabulary exploded at the same time so she quickly became the chatter box! She knew we couldn't understand her as well with the paci in her mouth so it wasn't a hard transition for her. Well, I was a little "flexible" with the rules and she was getting it more and more in the car. Hey, it makes her less demanding in the car. I don't have to hear "Mommy, fish book." Or "Mommy, Elmo song." Or "Mommy, water." So anyway, after a talk with Richard's cousin-in-law (thanks Graeme!) we decided that we should give it a try. The first night wasn't great - at all! She cried before bed, I tried to tell her what a big girl she was. She actually told me "No big girl!" which made me feel bad. So after about 20 minutes of sadness, she calmed down enough for me to turn off the light and exit her room. She went about 10 more minutes of crying spells until finally she was just sobbing continuously. So we gave in...

She wasn't allowed to have her paci all day yesterday except at nap time (I needed the 2 hour break!) and then at bed time, I offered her the "broken" paci (it has the very tip snipped off). She started to cry again, but this time with less ferocity. We finished our normal bedtime routine. As I lay her in her crib, she says, "paci" in the smallest voice. I again offered her the broken paci. She again starts to cry. I quickly start reminding her of all the ways that she is a big girl. She has pooped in the potty twice (too much info, I know), she pee-pees in the potty all the time, she wears pig tails, she goes up and down the stairs all by herself - those are all things that big girls do! For some reason that seemed to work! She was quiet and calm. I told her to hug her blankies, put them over her eyes, and she replied back with a quiet "Okay..." I kissed her goodnight, told her I loved her and that I'd be back in the morning. Again another "Okay." and out of the room I went. That was it. She talked for a while. Played with her hair on and off. Put the blankies over her face. But no crying. And no asking for her paci! She did wake up at about 1:30 but never asked for her paci. I went up to her room to check on her and after I gave her both blankies and tucked her back in, she fell back asleep. Still no paci request!!

So here I am, it is 6:45 AM the next morning. Ivy is wide awake watching Yo Gabba Gabba while laying in my bed. She woke up at 6:15, never asked for her paci, and has been talking non-stop! So we made it! I'm sure we'll both be exhausted by the end of the day, but that's okay. Hopefully that will make tonight even easier - or it will make it harder because she will be too tired... Let's hope it's the first option...

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We signed Ivy up for preschool this week. It is the preschool at our church. Ivy is enrolled for the 2010-2011 school year so we have a while before schools starts for her. She will be in the two-day 2s meaning she's in the 2-year old class and she will go two mornings a week. Her two days are Tuesday and Thursday. It's only for about 2 hours a day, so only 4 hours a week. I think she is really going to love it. Her 2-year old preschool room will be the same room she will be in for her 2-year old Sunday school class. So it will be a very comfortable place for her to be. I want her to have this opportunity to learn from and play with other children. It will also give me a little time to do some errands without having to haul around a toddler... That is something I'm looking forward to!! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random Cuteness...

We've just been having fun around the house lately - we were gone so much over the holidays that it is so nice to be home. Here are some pictures I've taken recently...

Ivy playing with my mask...

Playing Peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain...

Playing outside in the warm weather...
Picking up sticks in the yard...

Ummm....I don't think you fit....

Ivy playing in her playhouse...

This is why we live in the country...Look at all that room to run...

Ivy standing in front of my Mom's fig bush...

This is the outfit that Ivy picked out this morning. She topped it off with a pink striped sweater but it didn't make it in the picture. I gave her a couple of choices of shirts and a couple of choices of shoes. When I went in her closet to get her socks, she saw the tutu and had to wear it. She kept it on all day!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ivy's love for music is growing stronger and stronger... We are trying to encourage this as much as we can. When my Dad was here, he and Richard took Ivy over to see my brother, Craig. Since Craig is the musician in the family (I quit playing the violin at age 18), he has REAL instruments at his house. While we do have lots of different instruments around the housebut they are all child versions of instruments...

Craig teaching Ivy how to play the guitar. He let her borrow the ukalaylee (sp??) and she carries it around and says, "Tar" for guitar.

More guitar lessons... And yes, that is an AC/DC t-shirt with fairy wings and a tutu!!


Here is a video of Ivy playing the drums...

out of order...

My Christmas posts got out of order - I guess that's what I get for trying to post several things in one day... Not sure how to fix it, so read them all to see how our Christmas break was...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A playdate with friends...

We got together with friends over the Christmas break. My friends, Julie and Amanda, were there - we were all pregnant at the same time and our babies were born within weeks of each other. It has been so fun getting together and seeing how much they have grown. The kids really played with each other this time - they all had a blast and were worn out by the end of the morning...

Colton, Addie and Ivy enjoying some pretzels...
Ivy playing peek-a-boo...
Such happy kids!! I was taking the picture but everyone else was behind me jumping and dancing to get the kids to smile - they thought is was hilarious!!
A good-bye hug...

Merry Christmas!!

We celebrated Christmas in stages...

Earlier in the week we celebrated with my dad and my brother.
Here is Ivy opening her new Elmo dvd...

A gift from Uncle Craig...

The night before...My dad gave Ivy a play kitchen so it had to be assembled. Here it is after the assembly was complete - all that was left was the stickers!
The finished product...
We covered the kitchen with a sheet. Ivy thought it was fun trying to figure out what was under it...
She knew it looked like something fun!!
Not a great picture, but she has a big grin on her face!!
Everything has buttons and makes real noises...she loves it!

Christmas Eve was spent with my Mom, Dave, and Craig. We went to the family service at church and then headed to my Mom's house for dinner and presents.

Ivy doing a little taste test...
Helping Grandmama pour water in the glasses...
A new tea set!! And it's made from recycled plastic - even better!!

Christmas morning at home - here is Ivy going through her stocking...
Is it time to open the presents???

(For those of you who don't have young children - this is Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street - one of Ivy's favorite characters).
A pegboard - something to help her with fine motor skills, colors and shapes...
Playing with Tucker and his new toy...
Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba (another favorite tv show of Ivy's).