Lots of pictures!!! On Friday we took Ivy to see some tigers and other cats at a place called Carolina Tiger Rescue (formerly called Carnivore Preservation Trust). This was her third trip to this facility and she seemed to like it a lot. So I know we'll go back.
These are Caracals.
The one on the left is Kiniki and the one on the right is Mary Stewart.
Ivy strolling to see some Tigers!!!
This is Rajaji.
This is a Serval.
This is Mona. She kept a VERY close eye on Ivy. It was almost scary!!
I think she thought Ivy looked like a yummy snack.
This is Mushroom. He is a Binturong.
This is Jellybean. He was laying down in his enclosure and got up and walked over to where Ivy was sitting in her stroller. He stayed right there where she was and kept looking at her. He didn't stare at her in the same intense way that Mona did, but he seemed to like Ivy.
He is so beautiful...
Another shot of the very handsome Jellybean.
This is Isabella. She has epilepsy due to inbreeding.
This is Rajah (I think...).
Lucky the tiger getting a quick drink...
Ivy left the Tiger Rescue with a new back-pack. She calls it her "pack-pack" and she loves putting things in the pockets and carrying it with her.
Ivy loves her "pack-pack"!!!
Now for the trick-or-treating pictures!!!!
We went trick-or-treating with Ken & Jess and of course Corbin!!
Thanks for posting the pictures and keeping me updated with Ivy. She is so beautiful. The cats were gorgeous. Tigers are my favorite big cat. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Christmas.
Hey! Evidently, my computer wasn't showing when you updated your blog the past few weeks-weird! Love all the Halloween pics. Ivy looks super cute in her costume!!
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