First I'll start with a few random pictures...
Here's our little chunk!!

It's been drool city around here - Emily is getting her two front teeth on the bottom.
They aren't poking through yet but it won't be long...

Ivy sharing her toys (this is a rare occurance - I can't believe I caught it on camera!)

Ivy went to a couple of birthday parties at the beginning of the month...
One at a bounce house...

And a princess party!

Then it was Ivy's turn!! The morning of her birthday she got to the top of the stairs and yelled down, "I'm THREE!!!!" She got to open a few presents that morning but we wanted to wait until Daddy was home from work before we got into the real celebrating!
Here's Ivy with her new Lalaloopsy Doll (I have no idea what this is, she wanted one!)

Some new books - Fancy Nancy and Purpalicious

That night, we ended up in the kitchen (don't ask me why the kitchen...) putting together a present. To be funny, I sat Emily in Ivy's doll stroller. It was perfect for her. She could sit up and see but it was sitting her down enough that she couldn't fall out! She loved it!

More assembly of the Cinderella vanity...

Ivy had a special VIP day at preschool to celebrate her birthday. I took cupcakes and juice as a special snack.

Me and my sweet girl on her VIP day at school.

Ivy's cake...

Make a wish!!!