Happy 2nd Birthday Ivy!!
Ivy's birthday was Sunday. She actually slept in a little bit and then we went to Bruegger's Bagels for breakfast. Here is a picture of Ivy just before we left - she was starving so she was having a before breakfast snack of Fruit Loops and a Big Bird juice box (Hey, anything goes on your birthday!).

After the bagel shop we took Ivy to the playground and we played for a couple of hours. Then it was time to head home for lunch and a nap. After Ivy got up from her nap, it was time to open presents from Mommy and Daddy!

Then a little later, we headed over to Grandmama and Grandpa's house to open a couple of presents there...
Grandmama gave Ivy a bubble wand so we HAD to go outside and play with that!

Today, Monday, Ivy had her 2 year checkup. She is still a big girl! She weighs 31 pounds, 4 ounces (91st percentile). She is 36 1/4" tall (95th percentile), and her head is 20" which is off the charts in size! It's full of brains I guess!! :)
We had to catch up on a few vaccines so Ivy got two shots today - one in each arm. She kept wanting to roll up the sleeves on her t-shirt so she could see her bandaids. And she was wearing her AC/DC t-shirt so she looked like a biker chick with her sleeves rolled up and her bandaid tatoos...