We spent our entire weekend at the NC State Fair. Richard's 4x4 Club does the towing for the demolition derby. So we were there Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and then again on Sunday afternoon!! It was a fun weekend, but we are all still tired!!
Daddy & Ivy waiting for the derby to begin!!

Ivy walking around before the derby started...

Ivy checking out the red mud...

Ivy eating her snack while she waited for the derby to begin (we got there pretty early!).

Derby time!!! Those big cars are LOUD!!!

Ivy wearing her Daddy's work gloves...

Saturday morning, Ivy was invited to a birthday party. It was a farm theme, so she wore some overalls and pig tails. She also had a bandana in her back pocket...

A little lunch at the party...

A tractor was in the front yard!!!

Ivy after the party - she had such a good time!! And luckily she was worn out - she got a little nap in before spending the rest of the day at the fair.

Ivy during the National Anthem. She stayed so still and quiet with her little hand over her heart. She's so patriotic...

More derby time!!! More loud cars!!!

We had just enough time for a pony ride!! At first Ivy wasn't so sure...

Then she got into it. She kept saying, "WOW!!". She put her little hand on the saddle horn - she liked it by the second time around...

Ivy's first look at fire works.
It was 9:45 at night - an hour and 45 minutes past her bedtime. She had only had a 45 minute nap (she usually takes a 2 hour nap). She burst into tears right after I snapped this picture. I picked her up, she laid her head on my shoulder, I covered her ears and she was asleep in about 2 minutes. Even with the really loud booms. She was just too tired to enjoy anything at that point.

Sunday night at the fair - after the derby, we went and did just a few kiddie rides. We were with our friends, Ken and Jessica, and their little boy (and Ivy's best friend), Corbin.
She CHOSE Daddy to take her down the slide - that's okay, I got to see the look on her face!!

She LOVED that slide!!

Again, she picked Daddy to take her on the next ride - the merry-go-round.

And once more, it was Daddy's turn to take Ivy on a ride...

Finally!! Mommy's turn!! We went down the slide again. It really was fun...